Dec 2023
I often create the same thing over and over again, using the same set of Laravel packages from one project to another.
I've already benefited a ton from the work that Dan, Liam, Ryan and others did on but I wanted something that was truly one command to spin up a Laravel site.
So I put together the following .zsh script:
echo -n "What should the slug of the app be? "
read MYVAR
cd /Users/stephenbateman/web &&
laravel new $MYVAR &&
cd $MYVAR &&
composer require livewire/livewire lorisleiva/laravel-actions iambateman/speedrun laravel-frontend-presets/tall predis/predis &&
composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar --dev &&
php artisan ui tall --auth &&
npm install
That lives in a utility folder, and then I call it using laravel-boilerplate
, which is an alias:
alias laravel-boilerplate="./web/utility/laravel-boilerplate.zsh"
Pretty simple, but that allows me to write laravel-boilerplate
and instantly get a new working app just the way I want.